Bus rental / Bus company Pforzheim

The bus company VIANDI Travel is at your disposal in Pforzheim!

Bus charter in Pforzheim

As a bus company from the Karlsruhe area, we have the right vehicle for every occasion. In our coaches with 8, 16, 46 or even 70 seats, you don’t have to do without amenities. Traveling by coach not only makes economic and ecological sense, the group experience is also an argument for traveling by coach.

More about the city of Pforzheim:

Our bus service in Pforzheim

Whether limousine, modern coach or premium VIP bus: in our fleet you will find the latest and safest vehicle models for every occasion and purpose.

Efficiencies and cost savings:

Whether for school classes, associations, clubs or company and tour groups in and to Pforzheim: your safety is our top priority on every single bus trip. When hiring a coach in Pforzheim, we can accommodate almost any special comfort request. In addition, it goes without saying that you will always be provided with a high-quality, comfortable coach.

Rent a bus in Pforzheim!

Some things should not be left to chance. It is therefore better to rely on professionals to transport your guests. We keep an overview so that you can concentrate on yourself. Quality and safety in passenger transportation are our top priority. That’s why we attach particular importance to our chauffeurs and their vehicles: so that you can travel with us with peace of mind!

Request your bus now!

Your advantages:

Personal advice – We attach great importance to personal contact!100%
Availability – We are here for you! by e-mail, telephone and whatsapp 24/7100%
Vehicles – Modern and extensive bus fleet!100%
Full service – there’s no such thing as impossible!100%

Our vehicles:


VIP luxury coaches

Comfort buses


